Thursday, September 23, 2010

Potty Time!

I am proud to share that we are in potty training mode at the Huotari household! Please forgive my potty training words as I explain :) On Tuesday, Riley asked to go potty at day care with some of the other girls that are potty training. I spoke with her teacher and brought pull-ups yesterday. I picked her up and she went pee pee on the potty once, which is a step. Then, last night she sat on the potty and ended up shutting the door - evidently she wanted privacy. The next thing we know she is crying a little and we thought she was scared because she was locked in the bathroom. So, I go in and she pooped in the potty and was scared of the poopy - haaa! We made a huge deal about it and she put her sticker on her chart and we were so excited for her.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats that a HUGE can she come over and teach Ben???
