Friday, April 30, 2010

Kinley's Scheduled Arrival!

I went to the Dr. on Thursday and she scheduled me to be induced at 10:30am on Monday, May 3rd. It is so crazy to think that Riley will have a baby sister soon! I will try to have Chase post Kinley's stats at some point while I am in the hospital...hopefully he can get some pictures too!

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Here is what we have been doing the past few days:
-Wednesday: Dr. appointment
-Friday: closed on our old house and new house
-Saturday: move, move, move!
So, at my Dr. appointment I found out I am dilated 2 cm and she told me if I wanted to be induced, I could be this Tuesday, April 27th, which happens to be our wonderful friend Tiffany's birthday! :) Knowing that we would just be moving into our new house and may not have everything exactly ready, the thought of Kinley arriving early was a bit scary. Plus, I was hoping she would arrive on her own, so I decided to just wait. I go back this Thursday and if I haven't had her by then, she will schedule me for the first week of May. So, regardless, next week is my last week at work....unless of course she decides to arrive before then. I have been in quite a bit of pain lately, so it would not surprise me if we don't make it that long, but we will see. This whole moving thing just doesn't work well during pregnancy! Chase has been so patient with the fact that my only role in this moving process is to tell people where to put things and unpack. He is a moving machine and we are both exhausted!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Kinley Update!

I had my Dr. appointment today and I am officially 1 cm dilated and 40% effaced - way too much information, I know, but hey, those are the stats! :) Since last week I could tell she dropped a little and I am still having some contractions, which have been going on for a while, but nothing regular or painful. Oh yeah, my group B strep test came back negative, so that is good news. I go back next Wednesday and we will talk about being induced depending on how much I have progressed. So, I imagine Kinley will be arriving at some point the week of the 26th if all goes as planned, but it is up to her, so we will see!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Dr. Appointment!

Today I had the start of my weekly Dr. appointments. I can't believe that on Saturday I will be 37 weeks, which is considered full term. I had to get an ultrasound today to see how Kinley is positioned and she is head down ready to go! :) I was not dilated at all, so it looks like she is still cozy in there. Although I love being pregnant, I am definitely running out of steam. It is much different being pregnant taking care of a 1 year old than the last time around! Well, I go back next Monday to see if there is any progression, so I will keep you posted!

Happy Easter!

and she's off...

Isn't she sooooo cool with her new shades?!
Riley would like to thank Tiffany for her pretty dress! :)

It was such a beautiful day and Riley wanted to play in the hose.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring Break 2010!

Daddy & Riley at the park going down the slide...Riley's favorite!!

Riley & Daddy checking out the giraffe at the zoo!

So precious!