Friday, January 29, 2010

Our First Post!

Well, this is our first official post! I figured I would start by updating everyone on baby Huotari. I went to the Dr. today and had my glucose screening, so that was fun! Baby Huotari is 2lbs. 2 oz. and right on track! I start my 2 week appointments now, so that is exciting. At my next appointment we will be getting a 3D ultrasound and we can't wait to see what she looks like. I can't believe we only have 13 weeks left. By the way, in 13 weeks here is what Chase and I are trying to get done....drumroll please:

1. figure out a name for baby Huotari
2. potty train Riley
3. get Riley transitioned into a toddler bed
4. sell our house

So, as you can see, we are crazy!

Let's start with #1. We were almost all set with naming her Kennedy until we found out that Kennedy means "deformed head." When we named Riley we didn't even look at the meaning, but of course it means "courageous," so that doesn't help our situation. A few other names we are throwing around are Kerrigan and Addison. If Chase would just give in and agree to name her Reagan, we wouldn't be having this issue - it is all his fault! :) For some reason, I just like the presidential names.

#2. Actually, Riley started this process because she has finally acknowledged when she has gone to the bathroom. At home she started pointing to her diaper and at day care they told us that she pointed to her diaper and said "poop," so we figured she might be ready. We are going to buy a potty this weekend and start the process. We will definitely keep everyone posted on this adventure!

#3. This is going to probably happen at the beginning of April, so we have some time and it really shouldn't be an issue since she sleeps on a little cot at day care and does fine.

#4. There really isn't much to say about selling our house - it is just something we thought would be great to add to the madness of our lives! :) We just need more space and whenever it happens so be it.

Well, that is all for now. I am sure we will have some great stories of the potty training that will be going on this weekend, so be sure to stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. I love the name Reagan! Hope my vote helps you Barb. Good luck with all your adventures...we'll be thinking about you and hoping for the best! :)
